Amanda Bryant
PhD Student
Gabor-Aspbury Lab
Texas State University
2019-Present PhD Student in Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology
Department of Biology, Texas State University | San Marcos, T.X.
2013-2015 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology/Zoology
Michigan State University | East Lansing, M.I.
Bryant, A.R., Gabor, C.R., Lowe, W.H., Wagner, R., Swartz, L.K. Stream Salamander Larvae Downregulate Corticosterone in the Presence of Fish Predators. Biology (Conditionally Accepted)
Goetz, S.M., Hileman, E.T., Nafus, M. G., Yakel Adams, A., Bryant, A.R., Reed, R.N., Siers, S.R. 2021. Brown Treesnake Mortality After Aerial Application of Toxic Baits. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 85, 1507-1514.
Bryant, A.R. and C.R. Gabor. Is it green: How organic farming methods alter amphibian glucocorticoid and immune responses. The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting: 2023
Bryant, A.R., Romero, E., and Gabor, C.R. Hyla versicolor tadpoles in conventional agricultural environments have lower body condition compared to those in organic agricultural environments. The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting: 2021
Bryant, A.R., Gabor, C.R., Swartz, L.K., Lowe, W.H., Wagner, R. Stream Salamander Larvae Downregulate Corticosterone in the Presence of Fish Predators. Women in Science and Engineering Initiative Annual Meeting, San Marcos TX: 2020.
Bryant, A.R., Gabor, C.R., Swartz, L.K., Lowe, W.H., Wagner, R. Stream Salamander Larvae Downregulate Corticosterone in the Presence of Fish Predators. The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX: 2020.
Spring 2023 Best Doctoral Talk, Texas State University Biology Colloquium
Spring 2022 Dale Ruth Memorial Scholarship
Spring 2021 Chuck Nash Aquatic Resources Scholarship in Science
Spring 2020 Gwen S. Durrenberger Endowment Scholarship in Science
Spring 2020 Dean Metter Memorial Scholarship in Science
Instructional Assistant, Department of Biology, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
Spring 2023 Techniques in Wildlife Management (BIO 4435), Course Instructor: Dr. James Emerson
Fall 2022 Wildlife Management (BIO 4423), Course Instructor: Dr. James Emerson
Spring 2022 Techniques in Wildlife Management (BIO 4435), Course Instructor: Scott Walter
Fall 2021 Wildlife Management (BIO 4423), Course Instructor: Scott Walter
Spring 2021 Techniques in Wildlife Management (BIO 4435), Course Instructor: Scott Walter
Fall 2020 Wildlife Management (BIO 4423), Course Instructor: Scott Walter
Spring 2020 Organismal Biology Lab (BIO 1131), Course Instructor: Andrea Aspbury
Fall 2019 Organismal Biology Lab (BIO 1131), Course Instructor: Andrea Aspbury
2019-Present Instructional Assistant, Department of Biology, Texas State University | San Marcos TX
Teaching wildlife management and wildlife techniques to undergraduate students
2018-2019 Biologist I, USGS Brown Treesnake Lab and Rapid Response Team, Ft. Collins Science Center | Dededo, guam
Lead Biologist for Translocation, Known Fate telemetry, and barrier project for invasive Brown treesnakes (Boiga irregualris). The results of that research have been published in the Journal of Wildlife Mangement
2018 Invasive Reptile Intern, University of Florida BioCorps Program and Everglades
National Park| Homestead, f.l.
Conducted radio-telemetry, trap line, and camera trap surveys to monitor reptiles in Everglades National Park.
2017 Land Health Assessment Field Technician, The Great Basin Institute and The Bureau of Land Management |Reno, N.V.
Evaluated rangeland health and soil stability to inform livestock stocking rates
2015-2016 Wildlife Biologist, Herpetological Resource and Management |CHELSEA, MI
Conducted aquatic salamander trapping surveys and Floristic Quality Assessments as well as husbandry for captive breeding populations of endangered testudines
2020-Present Co-coordinator, Professional Development Course (BIO 7100), Department of Biology, Texas State University
Work with the Sunset After School Program to organized 20-40 graduate students per semester teaching elementary age student about biology and the natural world.
Organize and oversee graduate student presentations for outreach